▶️ Upcoming Neurodiversiteit op het Werk (Dutch) – 17 September 2024

Breaking the Silos

Nele De Peuter

I am an organizational psychologist working with vertical development. I help people, leaders and teams navigate complexity and grow into bigger versions of themselves. This is my second career, I am also a lawyer and used to work in finance. When the financial crisis hit, I struggled with the pressure, like many others. Things had to change, but I couldn’t figure out how. Can people really change? I went back to university and completed a Master’s degree in organizational Psychology. Still, many questions remained unanswered. Until I discovered the research on vertical development: adults can still grow and evolve, moving through clear and distinct stages that increasingly expand their ability to see the world.

Deliberately engaging in your own development can be uncomfortable and at the same time also incredibly rewarding and gratifying. My own journey helps me to see different perspectives and enables me to look at life differently.

I coach. I teach. I speak. www.koruconnect.com

Nele De Peuter is/was a guest speaker or panellist at these events: