▶️ Upcoming Neurodiversiteit op het Werk (Dutch) – 17 September 2024

Breaking the Silos

Neurodiversiteit op het Werk (Dutch)

Tuesday 17 September 2024, 13:00 CEST — De Krook, Ghent

As an HR professional, manager, employer or employee, discover how neurodiversity adds value to your company. This is an event in Dutch (Nederlands) only.

It’s been busy times for the people behind Breaking the Silos, hence the absence of events since October 2023. Yet, co-organisers Daphné and Dietrich from Bjièn are organising a free event in Ghent on “neurodiversity at work”. This event is supported by the city of Ghent and co-hosted by other partners in the domain of neurodiversity.

The day will be filled with a keynote, a panel discussion between business leaders and managers, and various workshops and presentations.

If you are Dutch speaking and were (or wish you were) present at our first event on neurodiversity in tech, you might consider attending!